Proiecte internaţionale


Category: Shortcodes Written by Super User Hits: 436

Use any number of accordions shortcodes within your Joomla articles or modules.
They can easily be added inside the editor by using Accordions shortcode form located under text editor or by adding shortcodes directly.


Accordion content goes here...
Accordion content goes here...
Accordion content goes here...
Accordion content goes here...
Accordion content goes here...

Accordion content goes here...
Accordion content goes here...
Accordion content goes here...
Accordion content goes here...
Accordion content goes here...
Accordion content goes here...


[yjsgacs id="myid"]
[yjsgacgroup title="My title" active="1"]Accordion content goes here...[/yjsgacgroup]
[yjsgacgroup title="My title" active="0"]Accordion content goes here...[/yjsgacgroup]
[yjsgacgroup title="My title" active="0"]Accordion content goes here...[/yjsgacgroup]
[yjsgacgroup title="My title" active="0"]Accordion content goes here...[/yjsgacgroup]
[yjsgacgroup title="My title" active="0"]Accordion content goes here...[/yjsgacgroup]