Proiecte internaţionale

Parse page

Category: Shortcodes Written by Super User Hits: 437

Yjsgparse is very powerful shortcode and can read external or internal page, cache it's contents and import it inside your Joomla article or extension. Please note that yjsgparse is including only safe html tags located inside the page body tag.


Option Description
url *Required option. Url link to the page you want parsed.
days *Required option. If left empty cached page is recreated after 10 days and cached again.
hours *Required option. If left empty cached page is recreated after 10 days and cached again.


Yjsgparse example:

This entire article content is parsed from an external source.


[yjsgparse url="link to your page" days="1" hours="2"]// cache will be recreated  in 1 day and 2 hours
[yjsgparse url="link to your page" days="" hours=""]// cache will be recreated  in 10 days
[yjsgparse url="link to your page" days="" hours="0.5"]// cache will be recreated  in 30 minutes